
Pillars for a transformative education

In our movement, popular education is the cornerstone that guides our mission, to reach the frontiers of exclusion in the countries where we are and where we can be present, generating sustainability through commitment and public action to influence social, cultural and political transformation.

Our Mission

Popular Education

A pedagogical, ethical, political and epistemological proposal that guides our educational action with the intention of personal and social transformation.

Our Place

New Frontiers

We are coherent with our original charisma, bold and creative, to project new socio-educational ventures in frontiers of greater exclusion.

Our Challenge


We are a movement that projects itself into society, made up of people committed to our mission of social transformation.

Our Commitment

Public Action

To influence public policies, to promote the political exercise in defence of the right to education as a public good through public action and initiatives with other actors.

You can find the leaders, co-leaders and referents of the Initiatives and Work Axes in the directory on the federation’s website.